40 товаров

  • Evreyskaya Beef Dry Salami Cold Smoked  +/- 1lb

    Alef Салями "Еврейская" Сырокопченая колбаса 1lb

    Состав: говядина, соль, сахар, специи, чеснок, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, молочнокислая закваска. Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Ростбиф в нашей сухой салями «Еврейская» имеет насыщенный вкус. Его пикантность с легким оттенком специй и дыма кленового дерева придает ему исключительный и аутентичный вкус. Это самая популярная колбаса, и вам она тоже понравится.


  • Sausage Moscovskaya Schmaltz +-1.8 LB

    Schmaltz`s Колбаса Московская Schmaltz +-815гр

    Колбаса Московская Шмальц — это русская колбаса из свинины и говядины, обычно приправленная чесноком и другими специями. Обычно его подают в виде мясного ассорти или в качестве начинки для различных блюд, таких как бутерброды или салаты. Колбаса известна своим богатым, пикантным вкусом и слегка жирной текстурой. Это популярный выбор среди любителей мяса в России и других странах Восточной Европы, и его можно найти во многих гастрономах и специализированных продуктовых магазинах по всему миру.


  • Московская сухая сырокопченая колбаса Alef 453 гр

    Alef Московская сухая сырокопченая колбаса Alef 453 гр

    Состав: Жир свиной спины, говядина, соль, сахар, специи, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, закваска молочной кислоты.Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Мы начинаем с натурального вкуса свежей говядины и добавляем нужное количество свиного жира, чтобы наша колбаса получилась мягкой и сочной. Затем мы смешиваем мускатный орех и другие специи и завершаем его оттенком кленового дыма для длительного вкуса.


  • Smoked Hunter Sticks "Alef" +- 1lb

    Alef Копчёные сосиcки "Охотничьи" Alef -+1lb

    Состав: Свинина, говядина, шпик, соль, сахар, специи, чеснок, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Вам понравятся мягкие жевательные колбаски из сытной говядины, свинины и шпика, обильно приправленные чесноком и другими специями. Эти крепкие салями, которые баварцы называют «ландджагерами», являются традиционным фаворитом среди охотников и туристов, и они очень вкусны на гриле — даже если их просто облить алкоголем на тарелке и поджечь по-украински.


  • Salami "Tverskaya" Cold Smoked (stick +/-1.4lb)

    Alef Салями "Тверская" Сырокопченая колбаса, +-635 гр

    Состав: Свинина, шпик, говядина, соль, сахар, коньяк, специи, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, молочнокислая закваска.Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Салями из говядины и свинины готовится по уникальному рецепту с коньяком, пикантным кориандром, кардамоном, мускатным орехом и острым черным перцем, что придает ей неповторимый вкус.


  • Salami Cervelat classic Alef  -+0.90 lb

    Alef Колбаса Сервелат классический Alef +- 410 гр

    Состав: Мясо свинины, говядина, соль, порошок сока сельдерея, сахар, специи, порошок вишневого сока. Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Вы сразу же покоритесь прекрасному аромату этой салями, прекрасному цвету, свежемолотому мускатному ореху и острому послевкусию. Для особого вкуса мы добавляем немного дыма из натурального кленового дерева, чтобы поднять ваши вкусовые ощущения на новый и более высокий уровень.


  • Кабаносы Традиционные Schmaltz's 454 гр

    Schmaltz`s Кабаносы Традиционные Schmaltz's 454 гр

    Состав: Свинина, Вода, Говядина, Лактат натрия, Соль, Специи, Чесночный порошок, Декстроза, Глутамат натрия, Фосфат натрия, Эриторбат натрия, Нитрит натрия


  • Салями Еврейская Особая колбаса +/- 410гр

    Alef Салями Еврейская Особая колбаса +/- 410гр

    Состав: говядина, соль, сахар, специи, чеснок, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, молочнокислая закваска.Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Вы сразу же будете поражены ароматом крупной говядины этой салями, деликатной мраморной текстурой и ярким, характерным ароматом свежемолотых специй. Мы используем традиционный рецепт Старого Света, которому более 80 лет, чтобы создать этот удивительный вкус, и вы согласитесь, что эта колбаса из 100% говядины абсолютно вкусная.


  • Колбаса Эстонская копченая Groezinger -+ 450гр

    Groezinger Колбаса Эстонская копченая Groezinger -+ 450гр

    Buy Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger +- 1lbProduct Detail:Indulge in the delectable flavors of the renowned Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger, available in a convenient size of approximately 1 pound. Crafted with precision and tradition, this exceptional delicacy falls under the category of fine deli meats.Smoked sausage Estonian Groezinger +- 1lbProduct Description:Immerse your taste buds in a culinary journey with our Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger, a savory masterpiece that captures the essence of Estonian cuisine. Weighing around 1 pound, this smoked sausage is a true embodiment of quality and taste.Product Features:Authentic Estonian Flavor: Our Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger is prepared using time-honored recipes and techniques, resulting in an authentic taste that reflects the rich culinary heritage of Estonia.Premium Quality Ingredients: Crafted with the finest cuts of meat, carefully selected spices, and a blend of traditional seasonings, this sausage boasts a robust and irresistible flavor profile.Artisanal Craftsmanship: Each sausage is meticulously prepared by skilled artisans who take pride in their craft, ensuring a consistent and exceptional product every time.Smoked to Perfection: The sausage is expertly smoked to infuse it with a deep, smoky aroma and flavor that perfectly complements its rich composition.Versatile Delicacy: Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack, added to charcuterie boards, or used in various recipes, this smoked sausage elevates every dining experience.Product Usage:Our Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger can be a star of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or any occasion in between. Its versatility allows you to savor it as a satisfying snack, incorporate it into your favorite dishes, or create memorable appetizers that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.Smoked sausage Estonian Groezinger +- 1lbExperience the Tradition:Indulge in the excellence of Estonian culinary traditions with our Smoked Sausage Estonian Groezinger. Each bite encapsulates the flavors passed down through generations, making it a delightful choice for connoisseurs and food enthusiasts alike.


  • Сухие колбаски из свинины Sokolow 120 г


  • Moscow Salami sausage "Ivanco" 1,4lb

    Alef Московская колбаса салями "Иванко" 635 гр

    Продукт вдохновлен вкусами и ароматами Одессы.Продукт имеет сильный вкус свинины и говядины с нотками чеснока и черного перца.  Состав: свинина, говядина, шпик свиной, вода, соль, обезжиренное сухое молоко, чеснок, смесь приправ, декстроза, сахар, фосфаты натрия, нитрит натрия.


  • Salami Chicken Servelat stick +/-2.2 lb

    Alef Колбаса Куриный Сервелат +/- 1кг

    Состав: куриное мясо, морская соль, сахар, черный перец, специи, чеснок, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, молочнокислая закваска. Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Этот классический сервелат на 100 % состоит из курицы и представляет собой более легкую альтернативу без потери мясной текстуры и прекрасного вкуса говядины или свинины. Вы будете впечатлены ее прекрасным ароматом, прекрасным цветом и насыщенным вкусом мускатного ореха.


  • Cold smoked Salami Braunshvegskaya  +-1.4lb

    Alef Брауншвейгская Сырокопченая колбаса Салями -+635 гр

    Состав: Мясо свинины, говядины, соль, сахар, специи, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия, молочнокислая закваска. Без добавления искусственных ингредиентов! Эта сухая салями из свинины и говядины с насыщенным вкусом содержит сложную смесь интересных специй Старого Света и коптится естественным образом с использованием кленовой щепы лучшими традиционными методами. Нарежьте эту твердую салями тонкими ломтиками, чтобы подавать ее на бутерброды или в качестве закуски, или, когда она нарезана на квадраты, она станет ароматной добавкой к салатам, картофелю или даже к яичнице-болтунье.


  • Sliced Dry Salami Moskovskaya Signature, 113g

    Alef Sliced Dry Salami Moskovskaya Signature, 113g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Sausage "Krestyanskay" Smoked +-2 lb

    Schmaltz`s Колбаса "Крестьянская" Копченая +-1кг

    Состав: свинина, вода, говядина, лактат натрия, соль, специи, чесночный порошок, декстроза, глутамат натрия, фосфат натрия, эриторбат натрия, нитрит натрия.Этот восточноевропейский фаворит готовится из чеснока и медленно коптится на натуральной твердой древесине. Независимо от того, подается ли она традиционно с квашеной капустой, как угощение на завтрак с яйцами или нарезанная наискосок и приготовленная на гриле, колбаса является восхитительным компонентом любого блюда.


  • Hot Smoked Sausage Gyulai, 0.8 lb

    Bende and Son Salami Co Колбаса Gyulai Hot, 360г

    Полусухая и копченая традиционная венгерская колбаса Gyulai полностью приготовлена и готова к употреблению.   Идеальна для гриля.   Состав: свинина, соль, паприка.


  • Dry Salami Odessa Brand, 590g

    Ivanko Dry Salami Odessa Brand, 590g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Uncured Sliced Turkey Dry Salami, Alef, 113g/ 3.99 oz

    Alef Натуральная Салями Из Индейки, Алеф, 113 г / 3,99 унции

    БЕЗ НИТРИТОВ БЕЗ МОЛОЧНЫХ ПРОДУКТОВ БЕЗ ГЛЮТЕНА   Вкусная Необработанная Натуральная салями Из Индейки Семейный рецепт Сделано из 100% мяса индейки, пряностей и коньяка Идеальный вариант для любителей мяса без свинины


  • Pork Kabanos Polish Smoked Sausage Dry, 450g

    Alef Pork Kabanos Polish Smoked Sausage Dry, 450g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.



    Bende and Son Salami Co Колбаса Вергерская салями 270gr

    Buy SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0,6lbProduct Description:Are you a connoisseur of fine deli meats? Discover the exquisite taste of our SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0.6lb, a true Hungarian culinary gem. Made with the finest ingredients and following an age-old tradition, this salami promises an authentic taste experience like no other.SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0,6lbKey Features:Hungarian Tradition: Our SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0.6lb embodies the rich tradition of Hungarian salami craftsmanship. The recipe has been passed down through generations, ensuring an authentic and time-tested flavor.Perfect Size: This salami comes in a convenient 0.6lb size, making it ideal for sharing at gatherings or savoring as a personal treat.Flavorful Ingredients: We use only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors.Versatile Pairing: Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0.6lb is the perfect choice.Quality Assurance: We take quality seriously. Every batch of salami is carefully inspected to ensure it meets our high standards, guaranteeing freshness and taste in every bite.SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0,6lbIngredients:Our SALAMI TELI SHORT HUNGARIAN STYLE 0.6lb is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of pork, a blend of traditional Hungarian spices, and a touch of paprika for that signature Hungarian kick. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Fully Cooked Kiska with Beef Blood, 450g

    Belmont Fully Cooked Kiska with Beef Blood, 450g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. Ingredients: cooked barley, cooked buckwheat, cooked pork snouts, pork liver, cooked pork kidneys, beef blood, salt, spices, onion, garlic, sugar 


  • Picante Salami Whips, 3.5 oz / 100 g

    Piller's Black Kassel Колбаски салями Пикантные 3.5 oz / 100 g

    Натурально копченые колбаски приготовлены по аутентичному европейскому рецепту.   Отведайте нежную традиционную салями с нотками лука, чеснока и перца хабанеро. Не содержит пищевых аллергенов.    Состав: свинина, соль, паприка, специи, декстроза, луковый порошок, чесночный порошок, обезвоженный красный перец, аскорбат натрия, закваска молочной кислоты, нитрит натрия, рапсовое масло, дым, в растительной оболочке (альгинат натрия, хлорид кальция, ароматизатор).   N 1957, Вильгельм Хубер открыл небольшую мясную лавку в Ватерлоо, Онтарио, используя семейные рецепты и традиционные европейские методы переработки мяса. Пять поколений спустя, Piller's Black Kassel по-прежнему принадлежит семье и до сих пор использует подлинные европейские методы и рецепты Вильгельма.   Picante: Изготовлено из постной смеси чистой свинины, приправленной луком, чесноком и перцем хабанеро.   Мастерство Старого Света. Легендарный вкус. Аутентичный европейский стиль    Если поверхность салями белая, она все равно хороша! Это происходит естественным образом, когда салями подвергается воздействию холода.  Без глютена. Безл актозы. Без всех основных аллергенов (молоко, яйца, рыба, ракообразные моллюски, орехи, арахис, пшеница, соевые бобы). Без MSG.  Хороший источник белка. 8 г белка на порцию. Надежно запечатано для транспортировки.  


  • Italian Smoked Pork Kabanos, 120g

    SOKOŁÓW S.A. Italian Smoked Pork Kabanos, 120g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Moskovskaya Osobaya, 362g

    Alef Salami Moskovskaya Osobaya, 362g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Pork Dried French Kabanosy, 360g

    SOKOŁÓW S.A. Pork Dried French Kabanosy, 360g

    Buy Smoked Dry Pork Kabanosy "Sokolow" (French)  Product Description: Indulge in the robust and savory flavors of our Smoked Dry Pork kanosy "Sokolow" (French). This delicacy offers an authentic taste experience, meticulously crafted to perfection.  Smoked dry pork Kabanosy "Sokolow" (French)  Product Features: Distinctive Flavor: These Kabanosy boast a distinctive smoky, captivating flavor. The French-inspired blend of seasonings and spices creates a rich and memorable taste profile. Premium Quality: Crafted by Sokolow, a renowned name in deli meats, these smoked dry pork Kabanosy uphold a legacy of excellence. The finest cuts of pork are used, ensuring a premium quality product that meets the highest culinary standards. Artisanal Craftsmanship: Each Kabanosy is carefully prepared using traditional techniques, including smoking, air drying, and seasoning. This results in a well-balanced, tender texture yet satisfying chew. Convenient Packaging: The packaging is ideal for individual enjoyment and sharing. Whether it's a savory snack, a part of your charcuterie board, or a delightful addition to your culinary creations, these Kabanosy fit the bill perfectly. Versatile Enjoyment: Beyond being a delightful standalone snack, these Kabanosy can elevate your recipes. Incorporate them into sandwiches, salads, appetizers, and more, infusing your dishes with their smoky and savory essence. Alef Sausage Collection: Elevate your culinary adventures with Alef's dedication to taste, quality, and tradition. Smoked dry pork Kabanosy "Sokolow" (French)    Allergen Information: Contains no known allergens.  Storage Instructions: Store the Smoked Dry Pork Kabanosy "Sokolow" in a cool, dry place to maintain quality. Once opened, consume within the recommended timeframe for optimal taste.


  • Hungarian Salami Teli, 900g

    Bende and Son Salami Co Hungarian Salami Teli, 900g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Romanian Brand, 360g

    Sibiu Salami Romanian Brand, 360g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Night Stick Sausage, 450g

    Bende and Son Salami Co Salami Night Stick Sausage, 450g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Smoked Sausage "Mild Gyulai", 0.8 lb

    Bende and Son Salami Co Колбаски Венгерские "Gyulai Mild", 360г

    Традиционную колбасу в венгерском стиле можно употреблять в холодном виде или даже подавать в качестве основного блюда.   Эта готовая к употреблению копченая и слегка перченая колбаса упакована в вакуум и готова к использованию в рагу, супах, выпечке и даже салатах.    Состав: свинина, соль, паприка, сахар, витамин С, нитрат натрия, ароматизатор.


  • Salami Paris Brand, 400g

    Gold Star Deli Salami Paris Brand, 400g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Long Romanian Brand, 850g

    Sibiu Salami Long Romanian Brand, 850g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Dry Turkey Salami, 340g

    Alef Dry Turkey Salami, 340g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Moldavskaya, 450g

    Groezinger Salami Moldavskaya, 450g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Dry Salami Karpatskaya, 450g

    Smoke House Dry Salami Karpatskaya, 450g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Hungarian Brand, 400g

    Gold Star Deli Salami Hungarian Brand, 400g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Smoked Sausage Moskovskaya, 544g

    Groezinger Smoked Sausage Moskovskaya, 544g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Pork Kabanosy Smoked Dry Sausage Cocktail Sticks, 340g

    Greenridge Farm Pork Kabanosy Smoked Dry Sausage Cocktail Sticks, 340g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Authentic Turkey Dry Salami, 198g

    Alef Authentic Turkey Dry Salami, 198g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Beef Dry Salami Uncured Authentic, 198g

    Alef Beef Dry Salami Uncured Authentic, 198g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


  • Salami Csabai w/ Paprika Long, 900g

    Bende and Son Salami Co Salami Csabai w/ Paprika Long, 900g

    Only the finest cuts of meat, expertly seasoned and cured to perfection. The result is a salami that bursts with robust, savory flavors. Whether you're planning a charcuterie board, adding a savory twist to your sandwiches, or simply craving a gourmet snack, our salami is the perfect choice. This salami is made with the finest ingredients, including premium cuts of meat, a blend of traditional spices. It's then carefully aged to perfection to bring out the full depth of flavor.


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