15 товаров

  • Russian Sturgeon Caviar in tin 250g

    RT Черная Осетровая икра 250гр (металлическая банка)

    Weight: 250gr/8.8ozThis Russian Sturgeon caviar originates from the nearly wild grown sturgeon of the Thousand Island Lake, a 220 square miles body of unpolluted, crystal clear water surrounded by virgin forests. Here the highly priced crossbreed of Kaluga and Amur Sturgeon is aqua cultured under pristine, environmentally-friendly conditions resulting in the world class quality caviar, which stands on par with the best sturgeon caviars on the market. The grains are firm with a diameter of over 3.0 mm and its color can be pearl-grey, or dark-grey. The flavor is strong, buttery with a long lasting aftertaste inherent to Russian sturgeon caviar. Cured in compliance with Russian Molosol style, with no preservatives added, the caviar is packed in vacuum-sealed tin jars. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to treat yourself to such exquisite delicacy while our supply lasts!


  • Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Black Caviar, Malossoll, 50g/ 1.76 oz

    Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Black Caviar, Malossoll, 50g/ 1.76 oz

    Premium quality Kaluga Fusion sturgeon caviar. Fresh, lightly salted, unpasteurized, no preservatives, no artificial coloring. The grains are firm with a diameter just over 3.0 mm. Color of this product naturally varies from pearl-grey or dark-grey. Freshly packed weekly.


  • Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Black Caviar, Malossoll, 100g/ 3.5 oz

    Kaluga Fusion Sturgeon Black Caviar, Malossoll, 100g/ 3.5 oz

    Premium quality Kaluga Fusion sturgeon caviar. Fresh, lightly salted, unpasteurized, no preservatives, no artificial coloring. The grains are firm with a diameter just over 3.0 mm. Color of this product naturally varies from pearl-grey or dark-grey. Freshly packed weekly.


  • Pike Black Roe Caviar "Malossol", 3.5 oz / 100 g

    Olma XXI Pike Black Roe Caviar "Malossol", 3.5 oz / 100 g

    Small grained pike roe is black in color with a mild, delicate taste.


  • Paddlefish Sturgeon Black Caviar Malosol Glass Jar, 1.76 oz / 50 g

    Paddlefish Sturgeon Black Caviar Malosol Glass Jar, 1.76 oz / 50 g

    Caviar is a truly perfect product, made from roe of mature Paddlefish and has a diameter of over 3 mm. It comes in variety of colors, most commonly pearle grey and dark gray and has smooth buttery flavor. Caviar can be served in many ways. The most popular method in Russia is on dark rye bread with unsalted butter. Caviar is very rich in protein, vitamin A, B, C, E, D and preserved with a minimum amount of salt. Ingredients: Paddlefish roe, salt, water. Energy value: 193 kcal/100 g.


  • Икра осетровых рыб высшего качества Черный жемчуг 100 гр


  • Black Paddlefish Caviar, 100g/ 3.5oz

    Black Paddlefish Caviar, 100g/ 3.5oz

    Black caviar of paddlefish, a family of sturgeon. Wonderful and unforgettable to the taste of the paddlefish caviar is also very healthy. Paddlefish caviar contains 30% of high-value proteins and 10% of easily digestible fats. According to its taste and energy value, delicious paddlefish caviar is not inferior to sturgeon caviar. American paddlefish caviar is very similar in taste. Nutritional value per 100 g of caviar is: proteins- 17.9 g; fats-26.4 g; carbohydrates-4 g; In 100 g of american sturgeon caviar contains 252 kcal.  

  • Osetra Black Caviar Malosol (not pasteurized), 125gr

    Osetra Black Caviar Malosol (not pasteurized), 125gr

    Osetra black caviar Malosol (not pasteurized) comes from wild Hackleback Sturgeon (paddlefish). This caviar, with its smaller roe, ranges in color from greyish-green, even yellow, to jet black. The product is widely acknowledged for having a nutty flavour and firm texture. In our online supermarket you can purchase it in cans of 0,25 Lb each. Osetra black caviar Malosol we are offering is freshly-salted thus setting off the taste of the caviar and not of the salt. The flavour is gorgeous. Gentle, smooth and succulent it literally melts in the mouth. The pleasure of it is incredible. The caviar can be served in several ways. Most frequently (taking into account its price) it is used in making sandwiches. The caviar then is spread over a slice of fresh bread; some lemon can be added to emphasize the nuances of the taste. Caviar can also supplement some kinds of seafood and serve as a garnish.


  • Premium Quality Kaluga Black Caviar "Malossol", 8.8 oz / 250 g

    RussianFoodUSA Premium Quality Kaluga Black Caviar "Malossol", 8.8 oz / 250 g

    The malossol kaluga black caviar is produced from a cross breed of Amur and Kaluga Sturgeon. A spoonful of caviar supplies the adult daily requirement of vitamin B12. 1 tablespoon (16 g) of caviar contains: Energy: 42kcal Fat: 2.86g Carbohydrates: 0.64g Fibers: 0g Protein: 3.94g Sodium: 240mg Cholesterol: 94mg Zinc: 12.18mg Black caviar jar is the perfect product for the coming holidays. The most important thing is to choose the right caviar that could satisfy you. It should be fresh, tasty with well-formed eggs that burst in the mouth leaving a lightly salted flavour and gentle aftertaste. We think about our clients and that is why we are offering you only first-class quality marine products in our online supermarket. Besides, we are constantly reducing the prices thereby making this royal delicacy available to the majority of our customers. This black caviar is canned in metal jars of 250 grams each. Metal is widely known as a material able to preserve useful properties of the product and safe in what concerns harmful emissions. Moreover it is recommended as an environmentally friendly substance. At our online store you can buy exclusive varieties of russian caviar malossol. The exquisitely rich flavor of malossol kaluga caviar will surprise you. It is very mild, with a unique, fully-flavored aftertaste. We have a big range of one of the highest quality caviar for sale! You can purchase the best caviar at the best price! For example, black russian caviar malossol 250g only $259.99 Caviar has always been considered a royal delicacy. Buy malossol black caviar - surprise your guests with a unique taste! We will be happy to make delivery of your order "to the door"

  • BOWFIN Black Caviar 200 g

    Awers BOWFIN Черная икра 200 гр

    Weight: 200g/7.05ozThis black caviar comes from wild Bowfin (Amia Calva) which is even more ancient than the sturgeons. This black caviar, with its medium sized roe, ranges in natural color from dark gray to black. Eggs are firm and have an intense, nutty taste and are comparable in size and color to Caspian Sea Sevruga Sturgeon. Bowfin caviar is widely used in Europe as a respectable, lessexpensive substitute for sturgeon caviar. Product of the USA.

  • Kaluga Black Caviar, 1.1 lb (not pasteurized)

    Kaluga Black Caviar, 1.1 lb (not pasteurized)

    This caviar originates from the nearly wild grown sturgeon of the Thousand Island Lake, a 220 square miles area of unpolluted, crystal clear water surrounded by virgin forests. Here the highly priced crossbreed of Kaluga and Amur Sturgeon is aqua cultured under pristine, environmentally-friendly conditions resulting in the world class quality caviar, which stands on par with the best sturgeon caviars on the market. The grains are firm with a diameter of over 3.0 mm and its color can be pearl-grey, or dark-grey. The flavor is strong, buttery with a long lasting aftertaste inherent to sturgeon caviar. Cured in compliance with Russian Molosol style, with no preservatives added, the caviar is packed in the decorative vacuum-sealed tins made in France. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to treat yourself to such exquisite delicacy while our supply lasts!


  • Premium Ossetra Sturgeon Caviar, La Mer Noire Brand, 454g / 16.01 oz

    Premium Ossetra Sturgeon Caviar, La Mer Noire Brand, 454g / 16.01 oz

    Ingredients: Ossetra sturgeon caviar, salt Low-salting sturgeon is an exquisite dish that is produced from various species of sturgeons, such as the beluga, the sturgeon, and the thorn. Its unique and incomparable taste is highly admired by connoisseurs all over the world. Sturgeons differ from other types in their larger egg size and dark gray hue.Each egg has a delicate and thin shell that breaks when gently pressed, releasing a creamy core.The low-salt treatment for caviar involves using a small amount of salt to maintain the freshness and flavor of the product.


  • Kaluga Black Caviar, Bandi, 50g/ 1.76 oz

    Kaluga Black Caviar, Bandi, 50g/ 1.76 oz

    Kaluga also belongs to sturgeon family, sometimes it is called "river beluga". Like the beluga, it is a fairly large fish, its weight can exceed a ton. This species lives in the rivers bordering Russia and China - the Amur and Ussuri. Kaluga caviar has a dark gray color, the eggs are large and shiny.   Among lovers of the delicacy, it is believed that Kaluga caviar is not only the largest in size among sturgeons, but also has the softest taste.

  • Kaluga Black Caviar, Bandi, 100 g/ 0.22 lb

    Kaluga Black Caviar, Bandi, 100 g/ 0.22 lb

    Kaluga also belongs to sturgeon family, sometimes it is called "river beluga". Like the beluga, it is a fairly large fish, its weight can exceed a ton. This species lives in the rivers bordering Russia and China - the Amur and Ussuri. Kaluga caviar has a dark gray color, the eggs are large and shiny.   Among lovers of the delicacy, it is believed that Kaluga caviar is not only the largest in size among sturgeons, but also has the softest taste.

  • Bowfin Black Caviar, 3.5 oz / 100 g

    Awers Bowfin Black Caviar, 3.5 oz / 100 g

    This black caviar comes from wild Bowfin (Amia Calva) which is even more ancient than the sturgeons. This black caviar, with its medium sized roe, ranges in natural color from dark gray to black. Eggs are firm and have an intense, nutty taste and are comparable in size and color to Caspian Sea Sevruga Sturgeon. Bowfin caviar is widely used in Europe as a respectable, less expensive substitute for sturgeon caviar. Product of the USA.

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