Taiga Mountain Ash Preserve with Ginger, Taiga Cache, 240g


Ingredients: sugar, mountain ash, ginger root, citric acid
If you want to surprise your guests or family members with an unconventional, but delicious and healthy dessert, then our taiga rowan jam with ginger root is what you need!
Judge for yourself: rowan has several times more iron content than apples, carotene than carrots, vitamin C than lemon and currant. In addition, it contains vitamins E, K, magnesium, zinc, calcium, pectins, phosphorus and a natural sweetener – sorbitol.

Taiga Mountain Ash Preserve with Ginger, Taiga Cache, 240g

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Артикул: 314282



    Ingredients: sugar, mountain ash, ginger root, citric acid
    If you want to surprise your guests or family members with an unconventional, but delicious and healthy dessert, then our taiga rowan jam with ginger root is what you need!
    Judge for yourself: rowan has several times more iron content than apples, carotene than carrots, vitamin C than lemon and currant. In addition, it contains vitamins E, K, magnesium, zinc, calcium, pectins, phosphorus and a natural sweetener – sorbitol.


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