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36 товаров

  • Honey Altai Flower, 17.65 oz/ 500 g

    Berestov Honey Altai Flower, 17.65 oz/ 500 g

    "Berestov AS" "Flower" brought from the best apiaries of the central part of the Altai Territory. In addition to the famous Altai sunflower, more than 20 rare honey plants grow here, many of which are found exclusively in Altai. Honey bouquet: Aroma of the blossoming summer meadow, fresh notes of a clover, a dandelion, warm aroma of a sunflower. Noble taste with a hint of peppermint. Recommendations for use: As an effective prophylactic, Altai flower honey is used in folk medicine for all kinds of colds, and sometimes as a pain killer. For migraines and nervous disorders, it is recommended to drink tea with bay leaves and eucalyptus leaves and Altai honey.


  • Honey Altay Mountain (Gorniy)

    Berestov Мед Алтайцвет Горный Берестов Избранное, 500 гр

    Вкусовые свойства: Богатый купаж ценных медоносов даёт свежую гамму травяного сбора с нотами диких ягод и легкой натуральной кислинкой. Насыщенный аромат разнотравья оттенён едва уловимыми нежными нотами лаванды. Консистенция: Сиропообразная, тягучая структура, цвет от темно-янтарного до коричнего. Это зрелый мёд с низкой влажностью. Может начать кристаллизоваться уже в течение 3-4 месяцев после сбора.


  • Cornflover Honey


  • Linden Honey "Medovy Kray" 500g


  • Black maple honey


  • Natural Forest Honey, Berestov, 17.63 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Forest Honey, Berestov, 17.63 oz / 500 g

    Bees produce forest honey from the nectar of flowers of fruit trees, shrubs and flowers.    Honey bouquet: the color of the forest honey depends on the nectar of honey plants from which it was collected. The shade can vary from light yellow to dark, almost black. It has a peculiar, astringent, slightly bitter taste. Aroma has absorbed all the herbs of the forest with its sophisticated and vibrant scents.   Beneficial properties: Forest honey useful properties have found application in the treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, sore throat, stomatitis, anemia, vitamin deficiency, hypertension, insomnia, diseases of the stomach and intestines.


  • Altai Honey Motley Grass "Medovy Kray" 500g


  • Acacia Natural Honey BEEHIVE, 900g


  • Spring Blossom Honey BEEHIVE, 250g


  • Honey "Berestov" Diaghilev Favorites

    Berestov Мед Берестов Дягилевый Избранное 500 гр

    2 обзоры

    Мёд, добытый из цветков дудника лекарственного, или дягиля, считается одним из самых редких и полезных сортов пчелиного продукта. Дело в том, что, несмотря на высокую медоносность и неприхотливость, это растение в России практически не выращивается. В основном дягиль произрастает в северных регионах - на Урале, отдельных частях Сибири, Кавказа. Дудник лекарственный цветёт в июле; тогда же пчёлы и собирают нектар для дягилевого мёда. Вкус и аромат: Этот сорт пчелиного продукта обладает насыщенным ароматом и вкусом с нотками карамели и небольшой горчинкой. На вид он также специфичен и варьируется от насыщенно-янтарного до красноватого, иногда - с зеленцой. Вкус богатый, полный, теплый с перечными нюансами и легкой горчинкой. Долгое сложное послевкусие. Приятный аромат хвойной пыльцы и сладкого пирога с фруктовой начинкой. Лечебные свойства: Что касается полезных свойств мёда из дягиля, то он вобрал в себя целительные свойства самого растения, воспетого в мифах и легендах и наделяемого прямо-таки чудесным действием. Не зря латинское название дягиля - Archangelica (архангельский). Дудник лекарственный, как и мёд из него - настоящий кладезь полезных кислот, эфирных масел и микроэлементов, которыми объясняется антисептическое и антигрибковое действие. Поэтому дягилевый мёд полезно давать при заболеваниях полости рта, таких как ангина, ларингит и стоматит, а также внутренних воспалительных процессах (колит, гастрит) - он мягко очищает, восстанавливает и нормализует микрофлору. Мёд из дягиля полезен при проблемах с давлением и сосудами; он восстанавливает работу почек и печени и обладает лёгким мочегонным действием. Отмечена польза дудникового мёда и для женского здоровья, в частности при проблемах с циклом и скудной лактации. Эффективен такой мёд и при наружном применении, как в косметических целях (маски, скрабы), так и для быстрого заживления ранок, гнойничков и фурункулов на теле.


  • Organic Natural Linden Honey, Berestov A.S., 500g / 17.64oz

    Berestov Organic Natural Linden Honey, Berestov A.S., 500g / 17.64oz

    Nutritional value of 100g: 0 protein 0 fats 80.3 carbohydrates 321 kcal   Honey "Berestov A.S." has a certificate of organic production. It officially confirms that the entire process of preparing the apiary and collecting honey before the packaged product goes to the store shelves is specially controlled.   The apiary is far from the enterprises and the road all beehives are made only of environmentally friendly natural materials. Packaging, storage and transportation of organic honey is carried out separately from non-organic products. A special safe container is used to ensure the purity of the product.   Store at a temperature not higher than +20 °C   Composition: natural honey


  • Natural Honey Propolis & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey Propolis & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Functional product with proven pharmacological properties for maintaining immunity and improving body tone.   The line of "Immunity" was developed by the Research Institute of Honey and Bee Products on the order of the company "Berestov A. S." and has no analogues. Cedar gum, which contains a lot of resin acids, has a versatile physiological activity, a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing effect, and stimulates immunological processes.   Propolis contains flavonoids that neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative damage to the body's cells. Due to its antibacterial action, propolis is a "natural antibiotic". Thanks to the inclusion of these powerful natural components, honey "Immunity" with propolis and cedar sap helps to cleanse the blood vessels, helps to prevent the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and strengthen the immune system!   Composition Natural honey, cedar gum, propolis.   Storage conditions Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 4°C to 21°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.


  • Natural Honey Lemon, Ginger & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey Lemon, Ginger & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Functional product with proven pharmacological properties for maintaining immunity and improving body tone.   The line of "Immunity" was developed by the Research Institute of Honey and Bee Products on the order of the company "Berestov A. S." and has no analogues. Cedar gum, which contains a lot of resin acids, has a versatile physiological activity, a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing effect, and stimulates immunological processes. Ginger contains polyphenols, which provide an anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing the activity of inflammatory enzymes, and an antibacterial effect by damaging the bacterial membrane. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is a direct-acting bioantioxidant that inhibits the formation of free radicals that damage cells. Thanks to the inclusion of these powerful natural components, honey "Immunity" with lemon, ginger and cedar gum helps to strengthen the immune system and protect the body's cells from destruction by free radicals. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates digestion, relieves cough and sore throat, protects cells from destruction by free radicals.   Composition Natural honey, cedar gum, candied lemon, candied ginger, lemon juice, ground ginger.   Storage conditions Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 4°C to 21°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.


  • Natural Honey "White Highland", Favorites Collection, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey "White Highland", Favorites Collection, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Highland honey collected in the Altai, is the most environmentally friendly and useful for human health, since the concentration of active elements and minerals here are more pronounced. Honey is collected from wild plants in an ecologically clean area, about 2000 meters above sea level, with a certain microclimate.   This honey is filled with the aromas of fragrant herbs. The taste is sweet with a gentle astringency, leaving a light aftertaste. In the Altai mountains, a large number of different flowers grow, which makes the taste of honey unique from time to time.   Honey collection region: Charyshsky, Ust-Kansky, Soloneshensky districts of the Altai Territory   Dominant varieties of honey plants: high-altitude mixed grass (may be present: mountain cornflower, sainfoin, hawthorn, thyme, clover, cherry, oregano and other valuable honey plants)   Color: pale yellow, almost white   Consistency: delicate creamy


  • Natural Altai Honey "Buckwheat", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Altai Honey "Buckwheat", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Botanical Ingredients: Buckwheat (may contain willow, hawthorn, angelica Siberian, thyme, oregano, Maral root, angelica, sainfoin and other valuable honey plants) Origin: riverbank of Biya (Krasnogorsk district, Altai Territory)   Honey Bouquet: Luxurious tart honey with a light brandy aftertaste - the most exquisite and colorful variety in the collection. The combinarion of Altai Mountain air and rare medicinal honey plants give Buckwheat honey a truly charming bouquet of cinnamon, walnut and plum with hints of caramel, nutmeg and subtle shade of cumin.   Directions: In comparison with light-colored varieties, buckwheat honey contains more protein and minerals, especially iron. It is believed that it is perfectly refreshes the blood, purifies the bloodstream, promotes regeneration of damaged tissues, increases the level of hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended for beriberi, hypertension, hemorrhages in the brain and retina.   Food and energy value per 100 g: 80.3 g carbohydrates, calories 324 kcal.    


  • Coriander Honey, Favorites Collection, Berestov A.S., 500g/ 1.1lb

    Berestov Coriander Honey, Favorites Collection, Berestov A.S., 500g/ 1.1lb

    Nothing superfluous has been added to the composition of coriander honey, so it retains all its useful and nutritious properties, so necessary for the body. The composition has a positive effect on many organs of the human body, and especially on the digestive system, helping to get rid of some diseases with it.


  • Honey "Berestov" Chestnut Favorites

    Berestov Мед Берестов Каштановый Избранное 500 гр

    Среди множества различных сортов и видов натурального пчелиного меда достойное место занимает каштановый мед, который в продаже встречается довольно редко. Это объясняется тем, что получают его в малых количествах в связи с коротким периодом цветения каштана (2-3 недели) и ограниченностью ареала распространения дерева. Вкус и аромат: Мед цветом благородного красного дерева, переливающийся на солнце бордовыми оттенками. Выдержанный, естественно сладкий вкус с перечным послевкусием и легкой горчинкой. Пряный, зрелый и глубокий аромат дубовой бочки с нотами грецкого ореха, клена, и легким оттенком корицы. Лечебные свойства: Полезные свойства каштанового меда обуславливаются наличием антисептических и бактерицидных качеств. Также широко представлен в его составе витаминный ряд (каротин, тиамин, рибофлавин, пиридоксин, токоферол, фолиевая, никотиновая и аскорбиновая кислоты). Немалое количество ценных микроэлементов (это марганец, магний, барий, йод, железо, медь), дубильных веществ и ферментов для пищеварительного тракта человека, участвующих в углеводном обмене: фосфатазы, диастазы, амилазы. Народная медицина неоднократно доказывала противоотечное свойство каштанового меда.


  • Honey Coriander Berestov 500 g

    Berestov Мед Кориандровый Берестов 500 гр

    Регион медосбора: Алтайский край Кориандр: однолетнее травянистое растение, используется как пряность в кулинарии. Цветет в июне или июле зонтиками из мелких розовых или белых цветков. Дегустационные характеристики: вкус сладко-травяной с выраженным карамельным послевкусием. Пряный насыщенный аромат с нотами травяного сбора (лекарственного растения). Выдающийся и очень полезный продукт является большой редкостью. Причина в том, что резкий, специфический запах цветков кориандра отпугивает пчёл, и они собирают с них нектар в самую последнюю очередь, когда вокруг нет другой «пищи». Пасечники выставляют ульи неподалеку от полей с кориандром и убирают весь корм из ульев. Благодаря насыщенному эфирными маслами и фитонцидами составу, кориандровый мёд повышает сопротивляемость организма вирусам и инфекциям, повышает качество сна, снимает головную боль.


  • Natural Honey Lemon, Ginger & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov, 200 g/ 0.44 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey Lemon, Ginger & Cedar Gum, Collection ImmunUP, Berestov, 200 g/ 0.44 lb

    Functional product with proven pharmacological properties for maintaining immunity and improving body tone.   The line of "Immunity" was developed by the Research Institute of Honey and Bee Products on the order of the company "Berestov A. S." and has no analogues. Cedar gum, which contains a lot of resin acids, has a versatile physiological activity, a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing effect, and stimulates immunological processes. Ginger contains polyphenols, which provide an anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing the activity of inflammatory enzymes, and an antibacterial effect by damaging the bacterial membrane. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is a direct-acting bioantioxidant that inhibits the formation of free radicals that damage cells. Thanks to the inclusion of these powerful natural components, honey "Immunity" with lemon, ginger and cedar gum helps to strengthen the immune system and protect the body's cells from destruction by free radicals. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates digestion, relieves cough and sore throat, protects cells from destruction by free radicals.   Composition Natural honey, cedar gum, candied lemon, candied ginger, lemon juice, ground ginger.   Storage conditions Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 4°C to 21°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.


  • Natural Honey "Wild Taiga", Favorites Collection, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey "Wild Taiga", Favorites Collection, Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    First honey with a CONFIRMED history of origin. Each jar has a QR code, which can be scanned to see the beekeepers who collected this honey.   Taste: tart with peppery nuances and a long herbal aftertaste. Consistency: dense, stringy. Honey color: rich dark brown. Wild Taiga honey contains folic and pantothenic acids. Wild Taiga honey strengthens the immune system, increases physical and mental performance.   Quality: Honey from the heart of the Altai taiga, where bees collect the nectar of rare honey-bearing flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees in places that are difficult for humans to reach. Each batch of honey obtained by us from the best apiaries in Russia is subject to strict control and is checked in a certified laboratory for compliance with GOST requirements.   Composition Natural honey. Energy value, per 100 g 321 kcal   Storage conditions Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 4°C to 21°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.


  • Natural Honey "Eleutherococcus & Cedar Gum", Collection "ImmunUP", Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Berestov Natural Honey "Eleutherococcus & Cedar Gum", Collection "ImmunUP", Berestov A. S., 500 g/ 1.1 lb

    Functional product with proven pharmacological properties for maintaining immunity and improving body tone.   The line of "Immunity" was developed by the Research Institute of Honey bee products on the order of the company "Berestov A. S." and has no analogues. Cedar gum, which contains a lot of resin acids, has a versatile physiological activity, a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing effect, and stimulates immunological processes.   Eleutherococcus contains eleutherosides-adaptogens that have an excitatory effect on the cerebral cortex and are associated with an increase in the formation of energy reserves in the body. Thanks to them, eleutherococcus has a pronounced tonic effect, increases the body's resistance to a large number of harmful factors, and weakens the manifestations of stress.   Thanks to the inclusion of these powerful natural components, honey "Immunity" with eleutherococcus and cedar gum helps to strengthen the immune system, improve attention, memory and overall well-being, as well as increases the body's resistance to harmful factors, normalizes the cardiovascular system.   Composition Natural honey, pine oleoresin, extract of Eleutherococcus.   Storage conditions Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 4°C to 21°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.


  • Natural Chestnut Honey, 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Chestnut Honey, 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Among the many different varieties and types of natural honey chestnut honey takes its rightful place because on its unique taste and properties.    Honey bouquet: Honey has a noble color of red wood, shimmering in the sun with maroon shades. Aged, naturally sweet taste with a peppery aftertaste and a slight bitterness. Spicy, ripe and deep aroma of oak with notes of walnut, maple, and a slight hint of cinnamon.   Beneficial properties: Useful properties of chestnut honey are due to the presence of the antiseptic and bactericidal qualities. Also a number of vitamins is widely represented in its content - carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, tocopherol, folic, nicotinic and ascorbic acid. It contains a considerable amount of valuable trace elements (manganese, magnesium, barium, iodine, iron, copper), tannins, and enzymes necessary for functioning of digestive tract, involved in carbohydrate metabolism.


  • Natural Chernoklen Black Maple Honey, Favorites, Berestov A. S., 500g / 1.1lb

    Berestov Natural Chernoklen Black Maple Honey, Favorites, Berestov A. S., 500g / 1.1lb

    Chernoklen: a small shrub or tree up to 10 meters. Blooms in the second half of May, blooms for 7-14 days.   Consistency: delicate creamy Color: Dark brown   Tasting characteristics: aroma is well pronounced honey with an almond note. Sweet taste with a slight sourness and cherry tartness.   Maple flowering lasts up to 14 days. However, black maple honey is a rare variety.   Chernoklen honey with moderate use normalizes metabolism. It is good for skin diseases, helps to get rid of vision problems and normalizes work of the heart, liver. And of course honey helps with colds, respiratory diseases.


  • Natural Angelica Honey (Dyagil), 17.56 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Angelica Honey (Dyagil), 17.56 oz / 500 g

    Honey produced from the flowers of medicinal Angelica is considered one of the most rare and useful varieties of bee product.   Honey bouquet: This strain of bee product has a rich aroma and flavor with hints of caramel and a little bitterness. The color is also specific and varies from deep amber to reddish, sometimes with some greenish colour. The taste is rich, full, warm with peppery nuances and a slight bitterness. A long complex finish. Pleasant aroma of pine pollen and sweet cake with fruit filling.   Beneficial properties: Angelica honey is useful for diseases of the oral cavity, such as tonsillitis, laryngitis and stomatitis, as well as internal inflammatory conditions (colitis, gastritis). It gently cleans, restores and normalizes the microflora. Angelica honey is useful when you have problems with blood pressure and blood vessels; it restores the kidneys and liver and has a slight diuretic effect.


  • Natural Amur Linden Honey, 17.53 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Amur Linden Honey, 17.53 oz / 500 g

    Amur Linden honey is a natural honey from the very midst of the far Eastern Linden forests.    Honey bouquet: Amur linden honey has an elegant amber color. The flavor is delicate, silky, with a long aftertaste. Honey has a spicy, woodsy aroma of linden with a slight hint of tea rose.   Beneficial properties: It is believed that the honey from linden trees perfectly cures colds, has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diuretic effects, has a tonic effect on the body and just is an unsurpassed delicacy. Widely used in diets.


  • Natural Altai Honey "Royal Bashkirhan", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Altai Honey "Royal Bashkirhan", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Botanical composition: lime (may contain: angelica, marjoram, cyprus and other honey plants) Honey Bouquet: Spicy aroma of the forest with a light touch of linden and tea rose. Taste is rich, juicy with a light mint flavor. Directions: This honey is not only tasty and healthy treat, but also a great tool for the prevention and treatment of colds, known from popular recipes. Remember that when heated above 40 ° C honey loses part of it enzymes and vitamins, so for the treatment add it to warm, but not hot drinks.


  • Natural Altai Honey "May", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Natural Altai Honey "May", 17.65 oz / 500 g

    Botanical composition: steppe grasses (may contain willow and sage, lungwort, acacia, oregano, cherries, angelica Siberian and other valuable honey plants)   Origin: Altay region   Honey Bouquet: Velvety melting generous notes of herbs blended with delicate shades of fruit with gentle minty aftertaste. Bright individuality varieties expressed a perfect balance of taste and sensory perfect sunlight.   Directions: The healing properties of honey are determined by the widest range of application - for the treatment of colds, insomnia, and nervous system disorders, atherosclerosis, certain liver diseases, as well as externally - as an anti-bacterial and styptic. May honey dissolved in pure water is used to treat eye diseases. Traditional natural calming and sedativa is warm tea or milk with honey at bedtime.   With its light pleasant aroma May honey is perfect for adding to a variety of desserts, pastries, cottage cheese and cereal.   Food and energy value per 100 g: carbohydrates - 80,3 g, calories - 324 kcal.    


  • Natural Altai Honey "Healer", 17.65 oz/ 500 g

    Berestov Natural Altai Honey "Healer", 17.65 oz/ 500 g

    Honey is one of the oldest sweets in history. It has a number of scientifically proved health benefits. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. Honey is capable of reducing uclers and other gastrointestinal disorders. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect due to enzymes included in its composition. It is widely used in treating colds, cough and sore throat. Honey is the healthiest alternative to sugar as it is much sweeter which makes it impossible to eat a lot.


  • Mountain Altai Flower Honey, 17.56 oz / 500 g

    Berestov Mountain Altai Flower Honey, 17.56 oz / 500 g

    It is believed that mountain honey is an excellent preventive measure to enhance immunity (noticeable effect is achieved when 1 tbsp of honey is taken every day).   Mountain honey is recommended to be taken with stress, disorders of the endocrine system, cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is believed that it perfectly removes salts and toxins.  


  • Honeydew Honey, Collection Favorites, Berestov A.S., 500g / 1.1lb

    Berestov Honeydew Honey, Collection Favorites, Berestov A.S., 500g / 1.1lb

    Honey, the source of which is the fall of animal origin or honeydew. Unlike nectar, pad does not contain phytoncides and other antibiotic substances that protect against the development of microorganisms. Unlike flower honey, honeydew contains fewer inverted sugars, significantly more disaccharides and three times more dextrins.


  • Honey with Propolis, Berestov A.S., 17.65 oz /500 g

    Berestov Honey with Propolis, Berestov A.S., 17.65 oz /500 g

    The taste of the honey with propolis is sweet with mild bitterness and a finish of vanilla. The fragrance is pleasant, balsamic.   Honey with propolis has a lot of medicinal properties and qualities. Honey and propolis are both powerful natural antibiotics, so honey with propolis should always be at hand as a natural “first aid”. It instantly stops the pain, kills viruses, and promotes rapid recovery of the immune system. Effective not only in pure form but also as inhalations, gargles and nose or eye drops. Useful in gastritis, diseases of the heart and liver, as a prevention of cold and flu. Suitable for external use - as a wound-healing and in the form of compresses with joint disease.


  • Honey with Deer Antlers & Cedar Sap, ImmunUP Berestov, 500g/ 1.1lb

    Berestov Honey with Deer Antlers & Cedar Sap, ImmunUP Berestov, 500g/ 1.1lb

    Honey with antlers of the Altai maral is good for: stress and depression, which are treated gently, while restoring a stable psycho-emotional level; shortness of breath, palpitations and hypertension are stopped, but with a high degree of hypertension, medications for lowering blood pressure cannot be canceled; decrease in mental activity, memory deterioration - normalization of functions occurs; hangover and headache - tincture restores normal blood supply, improves brain activity, normalizes heart function; with nervous overstrain, the general condition improves and the problem with sleep normalizes, the ability to relax improves; in case of numbness of the limbs, it helps to restore sensitivity and mobility, facilitates freedom of movement; in case of muscle pain - improvement of freedom of movement, removal of soreness (oral use can be supplemented with external applications with the drug); in case of food poisoning - neutralizes toxins, normalizes intestinal microflora, restores the digestive tract; in case of loss of strength and decreased libido - restores physical strength and sexual stamina, gives energy; with excess body weight and cellulite - restores metabolism and normalizes metabolic processes, improves skin condition;


  • Acacia Honey, 1.1 lb/ 500 g

    Berestov Acacia Honey, 1.1 lb/ 500 g

    Ingredients: 100% natural honey Rich aroma of acacia with a piquant hint of Duchesse and mint. The taste is clean, fruity, elegant, summer, long floral aftertaste with a hint of vanilla. Collected in ecologically clean places in the Southern regions of Russia in may-June, the flowering period of white acacia is only 12-15 days.   Medicinal properties: This is the lightest and most liquid (does not crystallize for a long time) type of honey.   It contains a large amount of fructose, vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, biogenic stimulants, antibacterial compounds and minerals. Acacia honey has an antimicrobial effect, makes up for the lack of vitamins and trace elements (which increases the immune system), improves digestion, helps fight hypertension, strengthens the function of the liver and kidneys. It has firming and rejuvenating properties. With constant use, acacia honey restores strength, increases the tone of the body and gives cheerfulness! In addition, acacia honey is the lowest allergenic of all varieties.  


  • Royal Floral White Honey BEEHIVE, 900g


  • White Floral Honey BEEHIVE, 550g


  • White Floral Honey BEEHIVE, 250g


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